You know it's a bad outing when halfway through the grocery trip a lady sympathetically looks at me and asks, "oh hunny, do you want me to finish your grocery shopping for you?" SERIOUSLY!??!! It was obvious that I had ZERO control over my twins! Mikey was actually being good, but Abby and Josie were definitely not!
I had decided to bring in the side-by-side double stroller instead of getting a cart b/c I was only grabbing a few things to make for that night (I invited some neighbors over to hang out in honor of Mike's birthday that was on Thurs.) Well, we all know how it goes when you're just getting 'a few things' from the grocery!
So all three of them were sitting in the stroller (Mikey and Abby were sharing a seat). Josie, who is always the most opinionated when it comes to where she sits in strollers or shopping carts or even IF she sits, started out on my hip until we got in the door and I had to threaten her to sit in the stroller ("if you don't sit you won't get a treat!") so that lasted about 6 seconds b/c the first table when you walk in the grocery is filled with cookies, brownies, etc. and I let them pick something for that night for all the kids. We ended up with both brownies and cookies and then headed toward the produce so I could get avacados. Now everyone is out and walking ---this is no good.
There was 3-foot tall ceramic man (that looked like a Luigi-type pizza man) that they were obsessed with and kept pretending to talk to. Quite amusing to all those who passed by them, but not to me who said 48 times, "Abby and Josie-- let's go...we have to go....we don't have all day....if you want a treat..........." They ignore me completely and are lost in their own little pretend world where only the 2 of them and the ceramic pizza man exist. I tried to pick them both up but each did 'the flop' in my arms and screemed that they have pee. (They HATE sitting in their diapers whem there is pee in them and go figure they both peeed at the beginning of a grocery trip!) Josie actually was peeing as I grabbed her to put her back in the stroller so her's leaked through her pants onto my arm. Again, go figure!
So about 27 minutes later we successfully completed the whopping 12 steps to the produce.
Here, Abby, Mikey and Josie all three start grabbing apples and throwing them -- yes, a throwing contest with big laughs and each yelling for the others to watch their throw. I'm right there grabbing arms and saying, "NO, we do NOT throw the apples! Girls, Mikey -- STOP!" (I was also holding my laugh in b/c it WAS pretty darn funny!)
While I'm asking a man who works there where something was Abby got a hold of a container of cherry tomatos and busts it open and teeny tomatoes go rolling all over the floor. So as I'm frantically trying to pick up the cherry tomatoes Josie and Abby start grabbing the big tomatoes and saying, "eeewwww...apples" and cracking up b/c they're grabbing and squeezing tomato after tomato and it is gushing everywhere! Again, "GIRLS, NO! Those are tomatoes and you're ruining them!! NO!" They both think it's funny as they each try to say "oh, dose aw tomatos??"(We don't buy tomatos so they think this is a new thing and they also think the word tomato is really funny for whatever reason). Again, I'm holding in my laughs b/c this, too, is funny!
Ok, so somehow we make it about halfway through the grocery -- a double stroller with only Mikey sitting in it and a ton of groceries piled in it and Abby and Josie in tow -- touching and grabbing pretty much everything along the way. When we're at the grocery I just let them think we're buying it and then I hand about 24 things to the cashier when we check out and have to explain that we we're not buying that. (you know how it works moms!)
It is during this 'mid-point' that a woman about 70 years old stops me and says that she's a twin and how wonderful it is and that she and her sister are about to celebrate their birthday next week. I'm a social person and I love to talk, but we literally get stopped by tons of people on every outing b/c the world is fascinated by identical twins and people can't help but comment about them and ask questions. Abby and Josie now each have an armful of things including Disney Princess perfume, Tinkerbell bubble bath and woman razors (in a large container) and they're trying to carry them all and think we're buying them. They keep dropping stuff and I'm pleading with them to put things back. I tell them to come on (for the 90th time) and I start walking. Some chic says to me, "Excuse me, your kids are still over here." Really??? Like I actually thought they were following me??? Seriously lady, I dont' give a hoot that they're not following me -- they never do! I laughed kindly and said, "I know, they're 2 and don't listen -- you know how they are." She was not amused and pointed to her ONE kid in the cart who was sitting perfectly and said, "well, she's almost 2..." Like she is saying to me that her kid is perfect. Of course I had to make a comment back. So I said, "well, she'll be bad soon enough...maybe close to age 3 -- just wait." ...and REALLY wanted to add the word, "bitch" at the end of that sentence but refrained and just said it in my mind instead. During this time Mikey --in the stroller with all the groceries -- was left randomely while I went back to grab the twins. How many people you think walked by wondering where the heck was the parent who belonged to this random kid with toppled-over-groceries in his stroller just sitting there by himself????!!!
Then I tried to grab the girls by their arms and make them walk with me. They're both screaming and pulling their bodies away from me. I try to snaggle a few items out of their grasps and return them to a shelf -- at the least I wanted to get rid of the stupid perfume -- I mean, who the heck makes Disney princess perfume in glass bottles??!! Toddlers and little girls who are 'in' to princesses are too young for perfume and bigger girls have no interest in Disney Princess -- what a dumb thing anyways!!!
Too late. Abby busted her box open, glass container is out and it falls to the floor! Fortunately it does not shatter!! THAT'S IT!!! Any reasonalble mom would probably have just left at this point, but I don't ever do that -- in my world if I have all these kids in the freakin' store I'll be damned if I'm leaving without any groceries!! Pretty much every single shopping experience is like this so my standards are pretty low!
This is when the lady who had commented earlier about being a twin offered to finish my shopping for me. Very sweet. Very embarrassing. And no thank you -- I'll rarely admit I need help no matter how obvious it is!!! I thanked her and told her that I really only had 2 things left to get (of course 2 things turn into atleast 17 things).
The last of the items I grab is a case of Corona. No room left in the stroller and kids running everywhere. One arm is pushing the grocery-stuffed-stroller and one is holding the beer against my hip. No arms left to grab atleast one kid, let alone 3....This beer is NOT going back. I need this beer. My husband needs this beer. Beer and wine are just as important in our house as milk, bread or peanut butter!!
God knows I need this beer....which is why I hear a voice laughing and asking me if I need to use her cart. It's a neighbor! Thank God b/c carrying beer, pushing a cart and convincing the twins to follow me is impossible. Since all of our neighbors know how freaking nuts we are I gladly accept and we all head to the checkout. Mikey gets to pick out a piece of candy or gum b/c he was good. HELL NO for the twins. But they don't care. They're picking their stuff anyways. Just more stuff for me to hand over to the cashier only to tell her that we're not buying it. About 2 hourse and $148.57 later our "quick" grocery outing is complete. Thankfully a worker helps me push a cart so I could push the stroller and get the twins to follow me. As we head out I stop to get myself Starbucks -- a treat I earn at EVERY grocery outing. No matter how insane my shopping trip is I always get myself a macchiato, latte, or frappuccino --or whatever the hell I want b/c I deserve it!! Off to the car and I let the maniacs in while I unload. I still had to change diapers and wrestle them into their car seats...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
the sagas continue....
God bless the person who invented crib tents!! Abby and Josie's are actually extra-sealed with twine b/c they managed to make their way out of these a few months ago!! But I swear I'm going to make them sleep in the cribs with crib tents until the bottom falls out or they reach age 18-- whichever comes first. It's nice prep time in the morning to hear them awake talking to each other so I can psych myself up for the chaos that comes with "unleashing the beasts" so to speak and letting them out of their beds.
When I go in there I see both girls naked -- even the sheets that cover their mattresses are off and, of course, Abby's bed has pee!! Out they go running downstairs naked and carrying their blankies while I gather up pee sheets. It's the same old song and dance every morning....I mean, atleast the Dunkin' Donuts man got to make donuts over and over -- I have to change pee sheets! Dunkin' Donuts man got a much better deal than me!! ;)
Later in the day the poop sagas continue....I was up stairs looking for something when I heard noises going on downstairs....I called out and no one answered but Mikey and said the noise was just his toys...sure. Then Abby and Josie come in from being in the garage and Abby is, of course, naked. "I got stink" , she says....)this is how a hilbilly tells their mom that they pooped ;)). "where is the poop?", I ask....and "Abby, DON'T MOVE!"....of course she walks away and as I make my way down the steps I hear Mikey say, "OH MY GOSH.....MOMMY, Abby habs poop on her butt!"
"DON'T MOVE ABBY!!!" So as I get Abby to stand still on the tile and bed over to check her butt cheeks and crack for evidence of poop, Josie walks up and hands me a flip flop. I saw some smudgies on the heal part of the flip flip and the sniff test proved that it was indeed poop.
"WHY IS THERE POOP ON THIS FLIP FLOP????" All three little people stare at me as if they have NO idea what I'm talking about....."Where did the poop go, Abby???" Again...the blank stares....."THERE IS CRAP IN MY HOUSE AND NO ONE KNOWS WHERE IT IS?!!!?!!?"
More blank stares......then Abby says, "ummm, it is wite heaw." and points to a spot on the tile that definitely has NO poop on it! So now I'm on a mission to find a tird somewhere in the house....I keep asking where it could be as I look all over the kitchen floor and into the family room....then I decide to look in the garage where they had initially came from. I find 3 boxes of diapers toppled over (third time today they did this) so I pick them up and on top of one is a diaper that looks worn. Inside I find poop now I have skids in a diaper, skids in a butt crack, but still no tird. I walk back in and look around a little more (Abby is still frozen in the kitchen not allowed to move b/c I hadn't wiped off her butt yet!) occurs to me-- maybe the tird is in the soon as I open the door I look down to find smudged poop on the mat and on the corner of the mat onto the concrete...SO now I have 4 skids---2 on the mat area, one in the diaper and some in the butt crack....but STILL no tird!!! About a minute later it occurs to me to look at the bottom of my shoes (which I normally don't wear in the house but my heals had been bothering me) THERE IS THE TIRD!!!!! the crevices of the bottom of my shoe...the same shoe that made it's way throughout the kitchen and partly on the carpet LOOKING for the tird!!!! So now everyone is told to stand still...I clean Abby's butt and they are all told to STAY in the family room (of course this doesn't last)...I throw my shoes in the sink and immediately get out our Bissell Steamer to steam all the nasty germs off the kitchen tile and the carpet I had been on!!! Then I took disinfectant wipes on every door handle and toy in the area.....Fortunately there were no poop remnants that fell of the shoe, but YIKES, the germs!!!
I mean SERIOUSLY with the poop stories that go on here!!! If anyone knows of a way to get rid of a poop curse that hovers over my house please help me!!!!!!......
..I need a glass of wine....
When I go in there I see both girls naked -- even the sheets that cover their mattresses are off and, of course, Abby's bed has pee!! Out they go running downstairs naked and carrying their blankies while I gather up pee sheets. It's the same old song and dance every morning....I mean, atleast the Dunkin' Donuts man got to make donuts over and over -- I have to change pee sheets! Dunkin' Donuts man got a much better deal than me!! ;)
Later in the day the poop sagas continue....I was up stairs looking for something when I heard noises going on downstairs....I called out and no one answered but Mikey and said the noise was just his toys...sure. Then Abby and Josie come in from being in the garage and Abby is, of course, naked. "I got stink" , she says....)this is how a hilbilly tells their mom that they pooped ;)). "where is the poop?", I ask....and "Abby, DON'T MOVE!"....of course she walks away and as I make my way down the steps I hear Mikey say, "OH MY GOSH.....MOMMY, Abby habs poop on her butt!"
"DON'T MOVE ABBY!!!" So as I get Abby to stand still on the tile and bed over to check her butt cheeks and crack for evidence of poop, Josie walks up and hands me a flip flop. I saw some smudgies on the heal part of the flip flip and the sniff test proved that it was indeed poop.
"WHY IS THERE POOP ON THIS FLIP FLOP????" All three little people stare at me as if they have NO idea what I'm talking about....."Where did the poop go, Abby???" Again...the blank stares....."THERE IS CRAP IN MY HOUSE AND NO ONE KNOWS WHERE IT IS?!!!?!!?"
More blank stares......then Abby says, "ummm, it is wite heaw." and points to a spot on the tile that definitely has NO poop on it! So now I'm on a mission to find a tird somewhere in the house....I keep asking where it could be as I look all over the kitchen floor and into the family room....then I decide to look in the garage where they had initially came from. I find 3 boxes of diapers toppled over (third time today they did this) so I pick them up and on top of one is a diaper that looks worn. Inside I find poop now I have skids in a diaper, skids in a butt crack, but still no tird. I walk back in and look around a little more (Abby is still frozen in the kitchen not allowed to move b/c I hadn't wiped off her butt yet!) occurs to me-- maybe the tird is in the soon as I open the door I look down to find smudged poop on the mat and on the corner of the mat onto the concrete...SO now I have 4 skids---2 on the mat area, one in the diaper and some in the butt crack....but STILL no tird!!! About a minute later it occurs to me to look at the bottom of my shoes (which I normally don't wear in the house but my heals had been bothering me) THERE IS THE TIRD!!!!! the crevices of the bottom of my shoe...the same shoe that made it's way throughout the kitchen and partly on the carpet LOOKING for the tird!!!! So now everyone is told to stand still...I clean Abby's butt and they are all told to STAY in the family room (of course this doesn't last)...I throw my shoes in the sink and immediately get out our Bissell Steamer to steam all the nasty germs off the kitchen tile and the carpet I had been on!!! Then I took disinfectant wipes on every door handle and toy in the area.....Fortunately there were no poop remnants that fell of the shoe, but YIKES, the germs!!!
I mean SERIOUSLY with the poop stories that go on here!!! If anyone knows of a way to get rid of a poop curse that hovers over my house please help me!!!!!!......
..I need a glass of wine....
The Pee and Poop Sagas....
Ok, so I FINALLY decided that I, indeed, neet to start blogging. It's seriously unbelievable what goes on around here on a daily basis and someday even my own coping mechanisms will have blocked out the truth of how INSANE this house I'm gonna capture it all while I can!
Yesterday, another crazy day....after getting Madelyn and Sophie out the door on the morning of school pictures my stress level was already elevated bigtime!! ..I went to get the twins out of their beds to find, AS USUAL, pee all over Abby's sheets and both of their diapers off. ..."here we go again," is pretty much my thoughts everytime I go to start the day with those two -- it is so, so draining!!
Mikey woke up still with a fever because of his pneumonia, and not feeling well and not wanting to have any breakfast. Poor guy. He's my sickly kid I guess....when the little man is sick, he is definitely down and out..
Later in the morning, Abby and Josie sneaked on underwear (for the first of what is usually 20 times a day...) and Josie peeed and pooped while standing in the kitchen by me as I was getting everyone's breakfast.....ok, it's just the morning and already I've cleaned up 1 pee kid, pee sheets, 1 pee and poop kid, poop off the floor and put 2 loads of pee saturated items in the wash.....WOW-- who wouldn't want to be me!!????!!
Later it was a "no nap" day again for Abby and Josie -- they just jumped, yelled, laughed, took off their clothes and the sheets from their mattresses and, of course, their diapers....I put them back on told them sternly (again) to go to sleep only to have Josie take off her diaper and Abby poop. Thankfully, she did not take off her diaper. So, no nap time again today!!
We all had denstists appoinments later and then decided to eat dinner at Applebees. Another brave idea that flopped. We had to leave mid-meal and have the rest of our dinner boxed up b/c Sophie and the twins were being so bad. Sophie was just very tired and carried on and on -- it was not like her to be THIS bad out in public, but fatigue and hunger can make anyone crazy.
As soon as we get home we're trying to send all the troops upstairs for showers and baths and Abby and Josie sat on the stairwell playing with Madelyn and Sophie's shoes when Abby tells me, "I got pee." (they don't like the feel of pee in their diapers, but trust me, this does not mean they're ready for potty training!) So I tell her it's no big deal we're going up to the bath anyways....Well, wouldn't ya know it...pee leaked out of her diaper on the steps!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHH! 3rd pee/poo issue of the day....
Just like every night, I need glass of wine...
Yesterday, another crazy day....after getting Madelyn and Sophie out the door on the morning of school pictures my stress level was already elevated bigtime!! ..I went to get the twins out of their beds to find, AS USUAL, pee all over Abby's sheets and both of their diapers off. ..."here we go again," is pretty much my thoughts everytime I go to start the day with those two -- it is so, so draining!!
Mikey woke up still with a fever because of his pneumonia, and not feeling well and not wanting to have any breakfast. Poor guy. He's my sickly kid I guess....when the little man is sick, he is definitely down and out..
Later in the morning, Abby and Josie sneaked on underwear (for the first of what is usually 20 times a day...) and Josie peeed and pooped while standing in the kitchen by me as I was getting everyone's breakfast.....ok, it's just the morning and already I've cleaned up 1 pee kid, pee sheets, 1 pee and poop kid, poop off the floor and put 2 loads of pee saturated items in the wash.....WOW-- who wouldn't want to be me!!????!!
Later it was a "no nap" day again for Abby and Josie -- they just jumped, yelled, laughed, took off their clothes and the sheets from their mattresses and, of course, their diapers....I put them back on told them sternly (again) to go to sleep only to have Josie take off her diaper and Abby poop. Thankfully, she did not take off her diaper. So, no nap time again today!!
We all had denstists appoinments later and then decided to eat dinner at Applebees. Another brave idea that flopped. We had to leave mid-meal and have the rest of our dinner boxed up b/c Sophie and the twins were being so bad. Sophie was just very tired and carried on and on -- it was not like her to be THIS bad out in public, but fatigue and hunger can make anyone crazy.
As soon as we get home we're trying to send all the troops upstairs for showers and baths and Abby and Josie sat on the stairwell playing with Madelyn and Sophie's shoes when Abby tells me, "I got pee." (they don't like the feel of pee in their diapers, but trust me, this does not mean they're ready for potty training!) So I tell her it's no big deal we're going up to the bath anyways....Well, wouldn't ya know it...pee leaked out of her diaper on the steps!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHH! 3rd pee/poo issue of the day....
Just like every night, I need glass of wine...
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