Monday, April 12, 2010

welcome Spring 2010

So it has been so long since I've blogged and I keep telling myself that I need to do it more often!
I have so many thoughts that whirl through my head daily and I just need to make myself write them down. There are countless funny events and countless not-so-funny events but I'm able to see the humor in them (thank God!).
Big news since I last wrote -- Abby and Josie are potty trained!!! YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!
They have been since January. On a Monday I said let's go all day with underwear (we had no place we had to go that day which is rare) and they did it NO problem!! Even poop.....literally they both pooped on the potty for the first time within minutes of each other. Kinda weird, but nothing surprises me with identical twins! So that was it...from then on out they have been doing awesome. They even wear underwear to bed all night now!!
NO MORE DIAPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is awesome; however, I do have to battle my rage with public potties more now though! Last night we went out to dinner and I literally took kids to the potty enough times that I washed 9 sets of hands BEFORE our dinner even arrived!!! But for the most part when we are out there isn't that need to go potty in every store we ever go in (as I know some peoples kids go through this!) Thankfully our kids have sturdy tanks!!
It is now April -- a long, cold, grey winter. I reallllllly miss the sun in the winter -- we all need it!!
But so far we're soaking up what we can this Spring! Mikey's allergies have been terrible. It breaks my heart b/c his eyes are SO swollen, red and watery. We're trying to get him to take 24-hour allergy but he fights us bigtime. His eyedrops seem to help a little, but I'm very anxious for the pollen to just go away!!!! This is the worst I can remember feeling, too. I think the older I get the worse my allergies do...I never used to have them!!
So today is the first day after Spring's nice to have Madelyn and Sophie back to school all day. I hate to say that, but there was alot of whining and fighting over the break. There may have been a total of 658 spilled drinks, 437 broken items, 1,264 names called and 832 punches, hits and kicks between the kids. (ok, so a few of those names called and hits I contributed too as well, I'm not gonna lie.... ;)
I think everyone needs major sleep to catch up on.
I suck as a mom b/c I wasn't as patient as I should have been. I really need to pray for more patience -- bigtime. This morning; however, I have had -- so far-- an hour and a half of quiet time...AMAZING!!!!!!! Madelyn and Sophie left for school at 7:45 and it is now 9:15 and the three little ones are STILL sleeping!!!! Ya think they needed to catch up on sleep?!?!?!??! Hopefully this helps everyone be a little nicer today!!!
I'm going to definitley write more -- I'm vowing to myself!! I will capture the craziness and get this blog back on track!